Managing and editing departments in MyHR

How to add and manage departments

READ: How to add a new department.

READ: How to edit or delete departments.

How to add a new department

    1. Login to MyHR - you will land on the Home page.
    2. Click on People (under Manage) and then Add department.
      Screenshot of the Add department button. This is found under Manage People.
    3. Name the department and enter a manager form the Select from My People list. Click Submit.
Screenshot of the add department details screen

Note: The new department will show up in your MyHR account once you have added an employee to it.

Note 2: Creating a new department and assigning a manager won't automatically give the manager access to the new department. You assigned access to a department and permissions  under User settings.


How to edit or delete a department 

If you need to edit a department follow the steps below; 

  1. Head to 'My People' then select departments on the bottom left hand side
  2. Login to MyHR - you will land on the Home page. Click on People (under Manage) and then Departments.
    Screenshot of the Departments button, under Manage People
  3. Select the department you want to edit by clicking on the three dots on the right hand side 

3.   From here you can edit the Manager and also the department name 

4.  once you are happy with the changes click submit to save them