Blog Articles - Performance & Issues Management

At MyHR we have a number of blog articles you may find interesting to support your interactions with employees, from setting clear expectations and dealing with situations when those expectations are not met.

READ: How to manage employee underperformance

READ: Tips for dealing with problem employees

READ: Managing employee issues before you need disciplinary

READ: How to manage serious misconduct in the workplace

READ: Disciplinary process: Everything New Zealand businesses need to know

READ: The disciplinary process: Frequently asked questions

READ: Running an effective disciplinary process meeting

READ: Misconduct: Make sure you get the process right

READ: Effective communication in today's evolving workplace

READ: Effectively managing and resolving employee conflict

READ: Handling an employee complaint about another employee

READ: Having difficult conversations at work

*Note - blogs will open on MyHR external website

How to manage employee underperformance

Blog - How to manage employee underperformance

Blog by Julian (AU HR Manager).

This blog post follows our post on managing employee performance and development and provides tools, techniques and tips for dealing with underperformance. We'll look at the distinction between underperformance and misconduct, how to set up PIPs and what to do if there's still no improvement. We’ll also touch on the risks of you mismanaging employees who don’t meet performance expectations.

Tips for dealing with problem employees

Blog - Tips for dealing with problem employees

Despite undertaking thorough recruitment and onboarding processes, sometimes managers still end up with an employee who is prickly to deal with or doesn't meet performance expectations. Let's look at the best ways to handle those thorny employees.

Managing employee issues before you need disciplinary

Blog - Managing employee issues before you need disciplinary action.

Many issues with misbehaving employees can be resolved before disciplinary action is required by focusing on the day-to-day relationship with employees, and discussing and resolving issues before they become major. This blog provides tips on how.

How to manage serious misconduct in the workplace

Blog - How to manage serious misconduct in the workplace

Blog by Jocelyn (HR Consultancy team), looking at misconduct and serious misconduct, what your obligations are, and advice for responding to instances when employee behaviour is majorly out of line with expectations.

Disciplinary process: Everything New Zealand businesses need to know

Blog - Disciplinary process: Everything New Zealand businesses need to know

The disciplinary process is a formal tool for managing and correcting poor performance or inappropriate behaviour. It helps employers work through issues with employees and to deal with problems before they become bigger.

Covering options for when the employment relationship goes sour, steps in the disciplinary process, important things to get right, things to watch out for, next steps, FAQs.

The disciplinary process: Frequently asked questions

Blog: The disciplinary process: Frequently asked questions

17 of our most frequently asked questions relating to disciplinary processes

Running an effective disciplinary process meeting

Blog - Running an effective disciplinary process meeting

Meeting with the employee is an essential step in the disciplinary process. These meetings aren’t always relaxed or easy, so following good procedure will help minimise stress and ensure you follow fair process in reaching any decision.

This blog covers tips on how to undertake the disciplinary meetings.

Misconduct: Make sure you get the process right

Blog - Misconduct: Make sure you get the process right

Blog by Jason (MyHR Co-Founder and CEO) covering potential pitfalls.

Effective communication in today's evolving workplace

Opinion Hour - Effective communication in today's evolving workplace

Opinion piece by Jasmine (NZ HR Advisory team) discussing the way that communication has evolved with technological advancements and interconnectedness. 

In this blog, we look at the relationship between effective communication and employee satisfaction, and how you can create a harmonious and successful work environment where everyone thrives.

Effectively managing and resolving employee conflict

Blog - Effectively managing and resolving employee conflict

Research published in 2014 found that one in four employees had at least one disagreement or argument at work in the previous 12 months that was serious enough to compromise their ability to do their job.

Blog topics include quick facts on workplace conflict, engaging with conflict situations early, training, and compassion resolution.

Handling an employee complaint about another employee

Blog - Handling an employee complaint about another employee

In any workplace, there will be some testy times between employees. Thankfully, many disagreements and disputes are minor and get resolved without management having to step in. Occasionally though, the conflict between co-workers can lead to a complaint to a manager or boss.

So what’s the best approach? Let’s have a look at what to do when an employee complains about another colleague.

Having difficult conversations at work

Blog - Having difficult conversations at work

Blog by Sylvie Thrush Marsh | Chief Evangelist

In our working lives, we all have times when we’re faced with difficult situations and conversations that we’d rather not have. Regardless of the circumstances, these conversations can trigger all sorts of emotions and make us want to avoid having them at all. But there are some really good reasons why we need to grasp the nettle and have those tough conversations.