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  3. Using the MyHR Platform for performance reviews & employee development

Employee perspective of the performance appraisal process

Learn how the appraisal looks to the self-service user

READ: Steps for the employee appraisal
WATCH: Short video on an employee's perspective of performance appraisal

Steps for the employee appraisal

  1. Once the cycle reaches the end date, the employee will receive an email telling them it's time for them to complete their review.
  2. They log into their MyHR account. Select Performance and they will see the current review says 'Begin self appraisal'.
  3. The employee selects their ratings and add any comments they want under the rating. Comments supporting ratings are not visible to the manager until the final appraisal is underway.
  4. Once the employee has completed all their ratings and any comments they submit and it will become ready for the final appraisal.
  5. The final appraisal is conducted on the manager's side. Once this is complete, the employee will see a completed review with the ratings and comments from the appraisal phase.

The video below shows what the employee will see during the performance appraisal phase.

Watch: Employee perspective of the performance appraisal