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  3. Using the MyHR Platform for performance reviews & employee development

How to complete the performance appraisal process

READ - 5 Steps on how to complete the appraisal process
WATCH - How to training video 

Step one: At the end of the cycle

Both yourself and your employee will receive a notification that the review is ready for appraisal and the review will automatically move to the appraisal stage.

As a manager, you can also choose to start the appraisal stage before the end of the cycle by moving to the bottom of the review screen, and selecting 'go to appraisal'.

Step two: Complete individual


Complete the manager appraisal stage by using the sliding scale to rate each goal. Your employee won't be able to see the ratings at this stage (comments are visible however).

Your employee will also be able to complete the appraisal stage at the same time by self-rating each goal using the rating scale.

If your employee completes their appraisal after you, you'll receive an email advising you that the final appraisal is ready to schedule.

Step three: Final appr


Once both parties have done their side of the appraisal it is time for final appraisal. This is where you sit down with the employee, and using the software as a tool, discuss each rating (employee and manager) and then agree on where the final ratings should land.

Give final rating at the bottom and submit the fina

l appraisal.

Step four: Set up for the next period

Create an active review for the next time period - you can start from the previous review if the goals are similar, or you can start from a template.