Managing leave with an iPayroll integration

How the MyHR leave management process works in MyHR

READ: Manual vs automated leave management processes.
WATCH: Watch the training videos.

Manual vs automated leave management processes

The traditional manual leave process

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MyHR and iPayroll automated leave process

  • All information is kept in one place.
  • The MyHR calendar shows who is on leave.
  • MyHR tracks the leave application process and shows the history if leave dates change.
  • The MyHR team have all the information needed to manage any issues that may arise.

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Watch the training videos

Part 1: The leave management process

This short video provides an overview of manual leave management vs automated leave management in MyHR.

Download the presentation (PDF, 564 KB)

Part 2: How MyHR's leave system looks and functions

This video provides an overview of the MyHR leave system, how it works, how it integrates with iPayroll, and the options it offers.

Further learning