Import people into MyHR

How to import people in bulk into your MyHR account

READ: Introduction
READ: How to Import People
READ: How to Edit your Draft People
READ: How to Confirm a Person


MyHR's People Import and Draft People features allow you to quickly add your people into MyHR, even if you're starting out with only a few of their details.

Start by downloading the template spreadsheet and filling in what you know. Then import this and MyHR will save each person as a draft. From here, you can edit each draft person to add more of their details as you learn them, and once you have everything, confirm you want to add them into your account.

There's no limit on how many times you can edit your draft people, so save what you know now and when you know more, pick up where you left off.

How to Import People

  1. Click 'Import people'.

  2. Download the import template spreadsheet and fill in what you know on the 'Employee Details' worksheet. If you can fill in all the values marked as compulsory, that will speed the process of confirming each draft person, but the minimum you need to enter for each person is their First Name, Last Name and Email. You can leave the example row in the spreadsheet – it's there to help you understand what kind of values to enter.

  3. Click 'Upload' and select the spreadsheet you have just populated.
  4. Once imported, you'll see a summary of the import result, including how many records we found in the spreadsheet, how many we were able to save as drafts and how many, if any, failed to import.

  5. If any of the rows in your spreadsheet fail to import, we'll show you the reasons on screen. You can make changes in the spreadsheet and click 'Upload another file' to try the import again.


  6. If you want to do any further editing of the draft people you've just created, click 'Return to Draft people' to see the full list.