How to set up an integration between Scout Talent :Recruit (Applicant Tracking System) and MyHR, powered by Zapier
To use this integration, you'll need a Zapier account. There is a free version which should cover most usage and options to upgrade if you need access to extra features.
To connect your Scout Talent :Recruit and MyHR accounts we use a 3rd system Zapier, both Scout Talent and MyHR have built Zapier apps.
Connecting Scout Talent :Recruit to Zapier and MyHR to Zapier means setting up a Zap with a :Recruit trigger and MyHR action. There are 2 parts to this set up one in MyHR and one in Zapier.
If you already have the connection set up see How to Edit your Draft People and How to Confirm Draft People.
WATCH: Short video on how the integration works
READ: Part 1 - How to set up a Zapier integration in MyHR
READ: Part 2 - How to connect your Scout Talent account to your MyHR account
READ: Example of data mapping between :Recruit and draft person in MyHR
READ: Zapier integration functionality and status
How the integration works
The :Recruit to MyHR integration allows you to automatically transfer applicant information you've collected during recruitment into MyHR. This makes it easy to move from recruitment through to generating a contract, getting you off on a great start with your new employee.
Once your candidate accepts an offer, a draft person record will be created in MyHR. You'll receive an email which prompts you to add any extra employment information in MyHR and confirm that person.
The MyHR team will handle the production of their contract and if you need it, you'll be able to request support from the MyHR team for that person straight away.
Part 1 - How to set up a Zapier integration in MyHR
- Select "Manage Integrations" from the menu
- Click "Add item"
- Select the "Zapier" entry.
- Authorise Zapier to access your account.
- Take note of where your API key is as you'll need this in the next part. You can now move on to Part 2 - How to connect your Scout Talent :Recruit account to your MyHR account.
Part 2 - How to connect your Scout Talent :Recruit account to your MyHR account
In we have Zap templates available which mean any candidates who have a job offer are sent through to your MyHR account to create a Draft Person.
- Start from the Scout Talent :Recruit to MyHR template to create a draft zap, or you can start from scratch and select Scout Talent :Recruit as your trigger app and the event 'Offer Accepted Application'.
- Once your draft zap is available, connect Scout Talent :Recruit.
You will be asked to select your region and provide an API key. If you don't have one, contact Scout Talent for support. - Once connected the account will show in the "Choose account" drop down.
- Test your trigger. Once you're happy, continue on to set up the action to create your draft person.
- Retrieve your API key to connect MyHR - sign in to MyHR (in a different tab) and then copying the API key that is available from your integration settings (see part 1, step 5).
- Connect your MyHR account to the action - in the action, Create AU Draft Person in MyHR or Create NZ Draft Person in MyHR, connect MyHR, select 'Sign in' and enter your API key and continue.
- Check the fields mapped and update any you might need to for your business. You will need to either set the employment state as the default for your business, or use the applicant's state.
- Test your action.
- Once you have both the Zap trigger and action set up it's time to switch on your Zap.
Draft people will be automatically created in MyHR once you make job offers. When you get an alert about a new draft person, log in to MyHR, update and confirm the employee details to start accessing MyHR support relating to your new employee.
Example of data mapping between Scout Talent :Recruit and draft person in MyHR
When setting up your zap, you want to map as many fields as possible, which happens in step 8 of connecting Scout Talent :Recruit to your MyHR account. The following shows an example of which data fields to map between the two systems for NZ and AU draft people.
MyHR draft person fields |
MyHR field description |
:Recruit fields |
First Name |
Applicant First Name |
Last Name |
Applicant Last Name |
Applicant Email |
Gender |
Title |
Phone Number |
Applicant Phone | |
Street address |
Applicant Address |
Suburb |
Suburb or second line of address. |
Applicant Suburb |
City |
State (AU only) |
State (abbreviation, e.g. "NSW") |
Applicant State |
Postcode |
Applicant Postcode | |
New or existing |
Choose "existing" if you are entering a person that is already employed with you. You can default this one to ‘New’ in your Zap |
Start date |
The employee's first day of work and the date this agreement comes into effect. |
Contract start date |
The date the contract comes into effect. |
Visa type |
For example, 'Student'. |
Work visa expiry date |
Birth date |
Job description - Job title |
Job Title |
Job description - Job purpose |
A 1-2 sentence statement that sums up the main purpose of this job. Simple is better. |
Job description - Job specific duties |
The work done by the person in this job, it includes their responsibilities and can also include decision making authority. The quality of the input here will help with job clarity for the person. |
Job description - Job education |
Department |
Manager name |
Manager title |
Type of employment |
End date |
This is the date the fixed term employment ends or is anticipated to end. |
Reason for fixed term |
The reason the term is fixed rather than permanent. |
Maximum weekly hours of work |
Maximum number of hours worked per week. |
Weekly hours of work |
Pay type |
Values are: annual_salary, weekly_wage, hourly_wage |
Pay rate |
Dollar amount of pay |
Pro-rata |
Is the person’s salary pro-rated from a full time salary. Values are: false, true |
Pay period |
How often does the payment occur. Values are: weekly, fortnightly, monthly |
Pay day |
For example, this could be a day of the week. |
Other pay or benefits |
This can include an annual bonus, company car, mobile phone with personal use or anything over-and-above the salary or wage. |
Notice period |
This is the amount of notice that an employee must give if they resign, it is also the amount of notice you must give in some cases of termination, other than summary dismissal. |
Primary work location |
Address or city where the employee will mostly work. |
Job Location |
Collective agreement |
Is the employee part of a collective agreement. Values are: false, true |
Trading name |
For example, a contractor's company name. |
Bank name |
Name of the employee's bank for payment. |
Bank account number |
Employee's bank account number for payment. |
Bank account name |
Name on the employee's bank account. |
Emergency contact name |
Emergency contact relationship |
For example, 'spouse'. |
Emergency contact daytime phone |
Emergency contact after hours phone |
Additional information |
For anything else that has not been already included. This might relate to previous history, any special considerations for this employee etc. |
Self-service |
This will enable the employee to use MyHR to view and e-sign their employment agreement, use the online leave scheduling tool and performance management module. To enable self-service we require a unique email address for each employee. Values are: false, true |
Performance reviews |
Whether the employee will have performance reviews (defaults to yes). Values are: false, true |
Leave enabled |
Whether the employee can request leave (defaults to no). |
Employment state (AU only) |
Employment state (abbreviation) if different from address |
Specify which state or use Applicant State |
IRD number (NZ) / Tax file number (AU) |
Tax code (NZ) / Tax scale (AU) |
Contractor business number (AU only) |
Contractors only |
Tax-free threshold claimed (AU only) |
Has the person claimed the tax-free threshold for this employment Values are: false, true |
Getting help with Zapier
The MyHR Zapier app is available on If you need any help, contact our customer success team.