A Guide to Induction for Managers

This is a useful guide to running successful inductions

READ: Before they start
READ: First day on the job
READ: End of first week
READ: Managers with 19 or Less Employees Throughout the 90 Day Trial Period
READ: Managers with 20 or More Employees Throughout the 12 Week Probation Period
READ: Towards the end of Period

Great news! You have a new person joining. As their manager, you will need to plan their induction.

Remember a good induction will cover three very important areas:

  1. Compliance requirements;
  2. Company expectations; and
  3. Employee engagement.

It is worth putting effort and thought into the induction, because it is your people who deliver results and serve your customers.

All the promises made to a candidate during the recruitment process can be quickly overshadowed by a bad introduction to your company. You will need to make sure they have the tools, resources and knowledge to become a successful and productive team member.

MyHR provide an Induction Checklist for managers to follow for when inducting a new employee, then sign once complete. Induction starts once the job offer is made and covers these areas:

Before they start:

  • Ensure you have received their signed and dated employment agreement.
  • Order any uniform, tools or resources they will need to do their job.
  • In the week before they start, give them a call to welcome them on board, confirm their start date and start time, then advise them who they should ask for when they arrive.
  • Let the rest of the team know who will be starting and when.
  • Spend some time planning their first day so all tasks are complete.

Handy Tips:

  • Let people know dress codes
  • Let the rest of the team know who is coming, their role, and when they start so others can welcome them. 
  • Build engagement by organising a welcome morning tea, lunch, or other social events in their first week. 

First day on the job:

  • Make introductions to all team members and brief the new employee on what to expect over the coming days, show them the induction checklist as this explains the steps.
  • Give a tour of the workplace.
  • Sit with them and provide the company handbook and all policies. Read through these documents with them and give them copies to take away. Answer any questions they have. The signed copies need to be returned the next day.
  • Go through their job description and outline your expectations. Set some key objectives to be achieved throughout the trial or probation period, this will give you both a yard stick to measure success against.
  • MyHR has a great induction performance review template, check your MyBusiness Space > My Reviews > Templates to check it out. If you dont have one, let the team know via the ask us bubble. 
  • Start training.

End of first week:

  • End of week catch up. Check in to see how the first week has gone.
  • Add notes to MyHR using smart notes. 
  • Provide feedback: 3 things that have gone well and 3 three areas for improvement.

Managers with 19 or Less Employees

Throughout the 90 Day Trial Period:

Set regular review meetings throughout the 90 Day Trial Period as this will ensure you are both on track to a successful outcome.

Meetings generally only have to be 10-20 minutes every 2 weeks, this will give you both an opportunity to check all is going to plan and make sure we are able to take action during the 90- day trial period if needed.

Add notes to MyHR

If there are problems, get in touch with the team early to discuss possible management. 

Managers with 20 or More Employees

Throughout the 90 Day Trial Period or  12 Week Probation Period*:

Set regular review meetings throughout the 90 Day Trial Period or 12 week Probation Period as this will ensure you are both on track to a successful outcome. You must be quite rigorous and clear with your training, support and feedback during the probation period.

Meetings generally only have to be 10-20 minutes every 2 weeks, this will give you both an opportunity to check all is going to plan and make sure we are able to take action during the 12 week probation period if needed.

Add notes to MyHR

If there are problems, get in touch with the team early to discuss possible management.

*A change in legislation in December 2023 allows employers of all sizes to utilise a trial period. Note that immigration may have separate requirements that do not allow for trial periods.

Towards the end of Period

Check in to see how the employee is going. 

Wrap up your performance review in MyHR, giving them an opportunity to provide feedback. 

When they have successfully completed their trial and/or probationary period - let them know and set up their regular KPIs.