Requesting a pay increase letter and sending to your employee

How to request a pay increase letter, and send to an employee using MyHR's platform

READ: How to request a pay increase letter.
READ: How to send a request to your employee to accept the letter.

How to request a pay increase letter.
  1. Log in to MyHR - you will land at the Launchpad. Search for the specific employee in the search field, or click on the My People tab and select the employee from the list.

  2. Click on the Manage tab, and then Additional Support in the left-hand menu.
  3. Select Pay increase letter.
  4. Fill out the form and click on Submit - this will trigger the MyHR team to create your support document.
  5. Once your letter is ready, the employee's profile will be updated on the effective date of the pay increase. 


How to send a request to your employee to accept the letter

  1. You will receive a notification email when the pay increase letter is ready for you to view. 
  2. You can preview the PDF by clicking on the document title (ie. 'Jane Nguyen Salary Increase Letter Oct 2024.pdf' in the below example. 
    1. If you have changes you would like made, let us know via the Ask Us chat bubble.
    2. If you are happy with the letter and would like to use DDA to send it to your team member, return to the previous page.

  3. Select Request acceptance to move a copy of the letter into a folder that your employee has access to, and to send them a notification to digitally accept the variation letter. 

  4. Select the folder you would a copy of the letter created in, or click on New to create a new folder.
  5. Once you have picked the folder, select Save here.
  6. The letter will be copied to the location, and your team member will receive a notification to ask them to accept the variation letter.
  7. Go to the folder you had selected to view the status of the file.
  8. Your employee will log into MyHR, view the letter, and confirm that they accept the variation letter by selecting View and accept.
  9. Your employee can preview the letter or download a copy to view. To accept the variation letter, they will select Yes, I have read and accept this document and then select Accept.