Follow the advice below to quickly resolve any issues you or your employees may be having when logging into MyHR.
READ: How to resend employee invite
READ: Resetting a password
When you are invited to sign in to MyHR, you will be emailed a link that is valid for 10 days. This link works once, and from clicking on it you will be able to set up your password and successfully log in.
This invite email will be sent to the invitee's inbox, they do not need to sign up for a free trial account within MyHR - this will not help them view their profile and employment agreement.
Resending an employee's invite
If you have invited someone to join MyHR and the invite has expired, you can resend the invite.
Log in to MyHR, go to the person's overview and select 'resend' which is near to the person's email. Take the time to check the email address is correct.
If the status shows anything other the invite pending, you will need to follow the instructions below.
If an employee has already accepted the invitation from MyHR to log in
The invite email contains a one-time link to set up a password for their user account. The next time they use that invite link, they'll be directed to the login form. They can also go to and use the password that they set up when they first accepted the invite.
Make sure they know their login email address. It's likely to still be the email address where the invite email was sent and may be their personal rather than their work email, if they have since had a user account created. You can also view their email on the person's overview in MyHR.
If the employee knows their email address but has forgotten their password, they'll need to reset it.
Resetting a password
You can either use the "Forgotten password" link on the login form, or by selecting 'Edit details' on your person's overview.
Resetting a password will trigger an email from MyHR which will enable the person to set up a new password. This will be sent to the email that is stored in MyHR which you can check on the person's overview.
If this doesn't work, you as the manager can call or send a question through the chat function for one of the MyHR team members to look into the issue.
As a note, employees will not be able to apply for leave, etc, until they have signed their employment agreement.
Find this screen by going to the employee's profile > Overview tab > edit details
Do you or your employees have questions or edits to the employment agreement?
If so, the manager will need to get in touch with MyHR. If it is a complex change, this may be best in writing to ensure that we can correctly make the edits for you. If your employee has asked for edits which you are unsure/unhappy about but are unsure how to respond to them, email and one of the team will be in touch with you.
MyHR is here to help you with your HR problems and questions. For this, you need to get in touch with us/use the software. If your employees call us, there are limited things that we can do so please advise them to speak to you about any questions/or concerns.