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Using Smart Notes

How to view and use Smart Notes in MyHR

READ: The value of Smart Notes.
READ: How to add notes.
READ: How to find a person's Smart Notes
READ: Deleting Smart Notes

The value of Smart Notes

Smart Notes provide a quick way to make file notes about employees, e.g. a person's achievements or actions (positive or negative).

Notes help build an accurate picture of a person's performance, enriching conversations with employees and providing an objective basis for performance management or disciplinary action.

Notes can be added against an employee's profile. These are not visible to the employee, however may be disclosed if requested under the Privacy Act. Ensure that all notes are factual, professional, and worded in such a way you would be comfortable with the employee reading them.

The notes are visible to any manager who has been granted the Add Notes permissions and access to the department that the employee is in.


How to add notes

There are two ways you can add and access Smart Notes in MyHR:

Adding a Note from the Launchpad

  1. Login to MyHR - you will land on the Home page.
  2. Click on Add and Then Note on the right of the screen.

    Screenshot of the Home page of MyHR, highlighting the Add Notes buttons
  3. Type in the name of the employee you want to leave a note about.

    Screenshot of searching for a person's name

  4. Write down the comments you want to make, the note type (positive, negative or general), and add any relevant tags (tags are customisable for your organisation's needs). Click Save.

    Screenshot of an example of a Smart Note in MyHR

Adding a note via 'My People'

  1. Click on the Manage People tab and select the desired person.
  2. Select the Manage tab.
  3. Click + Add note and complete using the instructions above. 

Screenshot of an employee's Manage tab, highlighting the Add Note button



How to find a person's Smart Notes

  1. Login to MyHR - you will land on the Home page.
  2. Click on the Manage People tab and select the desired person.
  3. Select the Manage tab. You can view the Notes held on a person's profile here.
    The notes are referenced with who made the note and when.
  4. Notes can be filtered by type, date, who entered the note, and tags.
  5. Notes can also be exported to PDF by selecting the appropriate notes and clicking on Print selected.  

    Screenshot of an employee's Manage tab, highlighting the Smart Notes filters

Can I delete a note?

If you have added a note by accident and need it to be deleted, please contact the MyHR team via the chat button.