Webinars & TikTok - Consultations and Restructures

At MyHR, as well as our knowledgeable HR Admin and HR Advisory teams who are available to assist with any queries, we understand that you may like to upskill your general knowledge in certain topics.

We have a number of webinars available for self-learning. 

WATCH: NZ Webinar - Organisational Design
WATCH: NZ Webinar - Building a case for restructuring your business
WATCH: NZ & AU Webinar - Getting your organisational structure right
WATCH: NZ Webinar: Selling your business: your employment obligations
WATCH: NZ Webinar: Restructure and Redundancies

NZ Tiktoks

WATCH: How much info about finances do we need to share with employees (1:21 mins)
WATCH: Who stays and goes? (2:19 mins)
WATCH: Do we need to wait before waiting for rehire for a position that has recently been made redundant? (1:17 mins)
WATCH: Does a restructure have to be because a company is losing money? (1:39 mins)
WATCH: Do I need to pay an employee redundancy compensation? (1:11 mins)

The following links will open in Youtube

NZ Webinar - Organisational Design 

Organisational Design (YouTube. 1:02:39 mins)

Join MyHR’s Chief Evangelist, Sylvie, as she delves into the essentials of organisational design, guiding you through the process of devising a structure that aligns perfectly with your business objectives and supports your overall strategy.

Key takeaways:

  • Understand the core principles and importance of strategic organisational design.
  • Recognise the signals that your organisational structure may be sub-optimal.
  • Learn a step-by-step approach to designing your people structure for optimal performance.
  • Discover the dangers of piecemeal org design and how to steer clear of costly mistakes.

NZ Webinar - Building a case for restructuring your business

Building a case for restructuring your business (YouTube. 49:39 mins)

Restructuring can be one of the most uncomfortable HR processes, but because it’s purely about commercial factors, it’s also one of the least personal and most straightforward if you do it well. At its core, restructuring is a consultation process centred around the work being done in the business, and which roles are performing which tasks. 

What you’ll learn

  • Ensuring you have a watertight commercial case for the restructure and supporting documentation to present to your team.
  • Communicating clearly and consistently with those affected gives them a fair opportunity to provide feedback (which you must consider).
  • ‘Survivor management’ - if your business goes down the route of layoffs.
  • Common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

NZ & AU Webinar - Getting your organisational structure right

Getting your organisational structure right (YouTube. 45:50 mins)

Right people, right place, right time – A discussion on the fundamentals of organisation design.

Join as MyHR CEO, Jason Ennor, and our Australian HR Manager, Julian Hackenberg, for a trans-Tasman discussion on getting the fundamentals of organisation design right.

Jason and Julian will draw on their experience in large multi-national companies and from growing a start-up with 1 employee to a scale-up with over 60. 

NZ Webinar: Selling your business: your employment obligations

Selling your business: your employment obligations (YouTube. 25:08 mins)

Selling a business can be exciting, stressful, and exhausting, so it's no wonder that legal obligations to your employees aren't top of mind when negotiating the sale.

This webinar navigates your employment obligations when you're exiting a business and the legal obligations that you have to your (soon to be ex-) employees, how this can impact the S&P, and the risks of getting it wrong.

NZ Webinar: Restructure and Redundancies

Restructure and Redundancies (YouTube. 18:10 mins)

Restructuring your business and considering redundancies are challenging for both you and your team, but you're the one carrying all the legal risk. Sylvie, our CHRO, discusses the ins and outs of making changes to your business.

NZ TikToks

How much info about finances do we need to share with employees (1:21 mins)

Who stays and goes? (2:19 mins)


Who stays when you’re reducing the number of roles? ✅✅❌ | #hr #humanresources #manager #corporate #managertips #restructuring #smallbusiness

♬ original sound - MyHR

Do we need to wait before waiting for rehire for a position that has recently been made redundant? (1:17 mins)


Does a restructure have to be because a company is losing money? (1:39 mins)

Do I need to pay an employee redundancy compensation? (1:11 mins)


There's no legal requirement to pay redundancy compensation in NZ 💰 | #hr #humanresources #corporate #managertips #restructuring #smallbusiness

♬ original sound - MyHR