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Leaving Smart Notes on employee files

How to add Smart Notes to an employee's file

READ: The value of Smart Notes.
READ: How to add notes.
WATCH: Short training video on smart notes.

    The value of Smart Notes

    Smart Notes provide a quick way to make file notes about employees, e.g. a person's achievements or actions (positive or negative).

    Notes help build an accurate picture of a person's performance, enriching conversations with employees and providing an objective basis for performance management or disciplinary action.

    How to add notes

    There are two ways you can add and access Smart Notes in MyHR:

    Adding a Note from the Launchpad

    1. Login to MyHR - you will land at the Launchpad.
    2. Click on 'Note' on the left of the screen.

      Screenshot 2021-02-17 211523
    3. Type in the name of the employee you want to leave a note about.

      Screenshot 2021-02-17 211600
    4. Write down the comments you want to make, the note type (positive or negative), and add any relevant tags (tags are customisable for your company's needs).

      Screenshot 2021-02-17 211700
    5. Click 'Add Tag'.
      Screenshot 2021-02-17 211712
    6. Click 'Save'.

    Screenshot 2021-03-11 162742

    Adding a note via 'My People'

    1. Click on the 'My People' tab and select the desired person.
    2. Select the 'Manage' tab.
    3. Click '+ Add note' and complete using the instructions above. 

    Screenshot 2021-02-17 212038

    Watch the training video

    This short video provides an overview of adding Smart Notes in MyHR. 

    Further learning

    Learn how to utilise Smart Notes for performance management.